May Bookshelf: 6 Food Reads For Your Book List


Ever since culinary school started a few months ago, I have had little time for personal reading. My evenings are now spent writing recipes, cooking, and studying. This month I’m making more of an effort to include reading in my daily schedule, no matter what.

While I normally stick to non-fiction reads, this month I’m excited to include one fiction book in my list. I’ll be sharing my food and film-related reads here and on Instagram, so be sure to follow along!

These are the books I plan on reading in May:

1. A Year in Provence by Peter Mayle

2. The Third Plate: Field Notes on the Future of Food by Dan Barber

3. Food Whore by Jessica Tom

4. The Food Waste issue of National Geographic

5. The Food of Taiwan: Recipes from the Beautiful Island by Cathy Erway

6. The Coastal Table Magazine

Have you read any of these books? What are your food (or film) reads this month?